Il y a 10 ans, à leur première visite à La Ronde, les frères Rocco et Stephen Vitale remportaient le convoité Jupiter d'Or menant à une belle visibilité, une belle reconnaissance pour leur firme Pyrotecnico, sans mentionner une très grande fierté. Dix ans plus tard, à mon plus grand bonheur, ils désiraient revenir et célébrer en grand cet anniversaire mémorable.
Et quand je dis en grand, je veux dire avec l'un des plus gros, sinon le plus gros spectacle jamais présenté à La Ronde avec un peu plus de 13000 produits. Oui, oui, j'ai dit 13000; plus de la moité en mono-coup, 5000 aériennes, bref, le spectacle le plus complexe des frères Vitale à ce jour. Ils avaient, à l'époque, joliment bien utilisé l'espace et se promettent de refaire le même tour de force. Ils reviennent avec leurs immenses arches; d'autres plus petites sur le quai, les tours de 10 mètres, 13 pontons sur le lac, les rampes d'accès au quai et vraiment plein de surprises que je vous réserve pour samedi soir.
Malheureusement, le cadet des frères et le designer principal, Rocco, ne pourra être sur place pour l'événement, business oblige. Je l'ai donc rejoint via Skype afin d'en savoir un peu plus sur l'élaboration de 'Rock Loves... redux !'
'We were given the opportunity to compete again, and when Stephen and I made the decision to go for it, it felt really good, it was 10 years later, we've never been back, the timing felt good ! [...] A lot has changed for us in the past 10 years, we are here with many of the same people from 10 years ago, how far we've come, how much we've grown, from a technical stand point, from a design stand point, we've gotten better and that means a lot to me and it means a lot to my brother as well. [...] When we decided to do the show, there was one pact we all made with ourselves and that what that we were gonna have fun. The 10th anniversary played a lot into it, the rock theme was a no-brainer, it's what we all enjoyed, all the crew members are big rock n' roll nuts. It feels right, it's what we love. It's kind of in our blood !'
Bien que designer principal, Rocco tient à mentionner la grande collaboration de ses partenaires Matt Wood, Phillip Stewart and Jason Farrell. 'We are fortunate at Pyrotecnico to do 2500 shows a year in the States, so we have a good design team. We spent time together in my office, got the map of the site on the wall, and it's where it all started. It was really a process that included a lot of other folks; my brother alwyas have good insights, he has a kean eye for design, it was a good collaborative effort. In the end, I took it over, went through it, finalize it if I can say, made some adjustements, but it was important for us, we have a culture of collaboration in our company, we have a lot of smart creative people and they all got their inputs into it and that transcended in the design. It was fun as hell !'
Quant au choix des chansons, les membres de l'équipe ont proposé leurs classiques - Rush étant unanime - ce fût laborieux par moment, mais au final, ce sont les artifices qui ont tout décidé. Il faut tout d'abord pouvoir imaginer la pyro sur les rythmes. Rocco explique : 'We have to make sure the tracks work with fireworks, this ain't a concert, it's a fireworks show. Every decision we made on the soundtrack was driven by fireworks. Each song is special in its own litte way, we put a color palette to it, each song has a unique look as well. There is something in every tracks for everyone to like. Some of the best shows I've ever seen in Montreal were with great music, and the fireworks do the justice. Like PyroEmotions in 2013, the theme was just great music and they killed it from a design standpoint.'
Ajoutons à cette passion les artifices de Yung Feng, Parente, Ricasa, Vulcan et Sunny et ça sera toute une soirée demain soir !
Bon feu !!!
Bande sonore de 'Rock Loves... redux !' de la firme Pyrotecnico des États-Unis d'Amérique :
Karn Evil 9 : First Impression, Part 2 - Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Nothin' but a Good Time - Poison
The Spirit of Radio - Rush
Madness - Muse
Cosmic Love - Florence & The Machine
No One Knows- Queen of the Stone Age
Touch Me - The Doors
The Sound of Silence - Disturbed
Believer - Imagine Dragons
The Pretendre - Foo Fighter
Fix You - Coldplay
Fire On High - Electric Light Orchestra
November Rain - Guns N' Roses
Shoot to Thrill - AC/DC